Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Review on the Pizza Parlor for the " Penguin Play Awards "

Hey! Welcome to Club Penguin News Center with me, Hannajean. So today I went on Abominable after looking at a fight for " No Baby's" in the petshop, ( read in post below) and I went inside the busy Pizza Parlor. It cleared out pretty quickly, so I could take some pretty good pictures. When i was seated i ordered my usual ( the fish dish ), and listened to penguins play music on the grand piano upstairs. Seriously, I love this pizza parlor much more than the normal pizza parlor. It is much more fancy, and bigger! ( I love big restaurants ) Anyway, the kitchen was clean, the food was VERY fresh, and i loved the service! It was the prefect way to end the day! Make sure to stop by that place and eat something with a friend! What do you like about the Penguin Play Awards this year? Comment your answer below!