Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Baby's Gone for Good?

Hey Guys! Welcome to Club Penguin News Center with me, Hannajean. Today, I Went on the server Abominable to check out what's new. When I Loaded into the Plaza, penguins were crowding in to get into the pet shop! I asked someone " What is Happening inside the Pet Shop?". The response was from a baby saying " There is a fight going on".. " People want baby's to go away! Apparently we make them " Hate " Club Penguin". The Pet Shop was full, and it was highly impossible to get in. Lucky enough, I got in on my first try! People crowding and shoving made me wonder what was going on. Everyone was screaming " Babys go Away! And never come back!!".... as for others were saying " Baby's stay! They make Club Penguin Funner!!". Im not even sure if " Funner" is a word. As you can see, there are two opinions here. Baby's to stay, and Baby's to go. Me personally, I think that baby's make Club Penguin much more fun because you can pretend to have a family, and watch them " grow up"! It sounds pretty stupid but I think it could be fun sometimes! Anyway, this protest against baby's might be affecting the way baby's are going to be held around here. We all know that they will never leave, because once someone leaves, someone else will just dress up as a baby and start it all over again. There is no " Stopping" the race of Club Penguin baby's, but they can get some-what annoying. What's your opinion? Comment it below!